The Tobacco Tapestry of Oman

Omani tobacco products ready for exportOman’s tobacco narrative, woven with threads of economic vitality and historical depth, presents a tableau of evolution, key actors, and the dual forces of global influences versus local demand. This discourse traverses the economic veins of tobacco, from its cultivation to the labyrinth of trade, unpacking the myriad challenges and prospects that embroider Oman’s tobacco fabric. Let us voyage through the complex tapestry of Oman’s tobacco industry.

Contemporary Tobacco Dynamics

In an era post-1970s, Oman’s tobacco scene witnessed the orchestration of concerted efforts by industry conglomerates aiming to dilute the potency of tobacco control measures. These endeavors notwithstanding, the specter of escalating tobacco usage looms, with projections setting usage escalation at 33.3% by the year 2025.

Regulatory Landscape

The Omani governance framework has unfurled several legislative scrolls to curb tobacco’s tide. Notably, Ministerial Decree No. 38/2010 heralded the prohibition of chewing tobacco’s import and sale. The landscape is further characterized by the absence of smokeless tobacco sales, unfettered by restrictions on single cigarette sales or the deployment of vending machines.

The Regulatory Ripple Effect

These legislative waves have left indelible marks on Oman’s tobacco domain. The year 2019, for instance, saw the market grappling with the ramifications of a 100% excise tax imposition. Moreover, the industry finds itself in a stranglehold, with all tobacco advertising, promotion, and discount avenues effectively severed.

Market Dimensions and Trajectory

Forecasters paint a picture of growth for Oman’s tobacco market, with anticipations of a 2.90% growth spurt from 2024 to 2028, culminating in a US$346.6m market volume by 2028. The cigarette segment, in particular, is expected to chart a 2.48% growth trajectory, promising a market volume of US$294.5m by 2028.

Tobacco’s Preferred Avenues

2022 saw cigarettes and pipe tobacco reigning supreme in Oman’s tobacco preference hierarchy. However, 2024 marked the dawn of a ban on e-cigarettes, shisha, and their associated paraphernalia.

Market Gladiators and Competitive Arenas

The Omani tobacco coliseum has been a battleground for market dominance, with 2022 witnessing zenith levels of consumption. This arena, however, is fraught with competition, as titans clash for a lion’s share of the market.

Cultural Conundrums and Taboos

In Oman’s societal mosaic, smoking finds itself ensnared in webs of religious and cultural taboos, potent enough to sway matrimonial alliances in certain demarcations.

Market Growth Projections

Amidst this competitive and cultural melange, Oman’s tobacco market is poised for continued growth, with a projected ascent of 2.90% from 2024 to 2028.

On the Horizon: Regulatory Evolution

Oman stands on the cusp of further tightening its tobacco control noose, with recent maneuvers including the amplification of health warning real estate on tobacco packaging to 65%.

Oman’s Tobacco Control Legal Framework

Aligned with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), Oman’s legal bastions against tobacco include:

  • Smoke-Free Bastions: The air in Oman’s indoor public spaces and workplaces is largely cleared of smoke, save for designated smoking zones. An absolute ban reigns over educational, governmental, health, and sports domains, alongside public transportation, with some regions adopting even stricter smoke-free laws.
  • Tobacco Product Edicts: The legislative landscape is dotted with bans on specific tobacco product lines, including the import and sale of smokeless tobacco and e-variants.
  • Advertising, Promotion, and Sponsorship Embargoes: A comprehensive ban stifles all tobacco advertising and promotional endeavors across Oman, aiming to throttle tobacco use amongst adults and youth alike.
  • Labeling and Packaging Directives: Tobacco packaging in Oman is subject to stringent labeling requirements, including prominent health warnings, in adherence to the Gulf Technical Regulation 246/2011.
  • Intersectoral Committee Initiative: A dedicated committee, convened in 2007, steers the tobacco control chariot, enforcing regulations with zeal.
  • Local Smoke-Free Regulations: Enhanced smoke-free laws at the sub-national level complement national regulations, fortifying Oman’s stance against tobacco.

Titans of Tobacco in Oman

The Omani tobacco landscape is dominated by global behemoths such as British American Tobacco (BAT) and Philip Morris International (PMI), with local distribution networks ensuring their omnipresence. The local distributorship landscape is further enriched by entities like WJ Towell and ATC, facilitating the widespread availability of branded tobacco products.


In the face of a convoluted history and a stringent regulatory framework, Oman’s tobacco market stands at a crossroads of growth and societal health imperatives. The continued evolution of tobacco control measures remains paramount in curbing the ascent of tobacco use within the sultanate.

Enlightening Statistics:

Insights into Oman’s Tobacco Consumption and Industry Interference provide a quantitative backbone to the narrative, underscoring the ongoing battle against tobacco’s pervasive influence.


Delving Deep into the Queries

  1. Who orchestrates the regulatory symphony for Oman’s tobacco sector?The intricate dance of regulation within Oman’s tobacco domain falls under the vigilant gaze of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion, a bastion of governance and oversight.
  2. What strides has Oman made in curtailing tobacco’s grip?In its valiant crusade against the tendrils of tobacco, Oman has unfurled the banner of plain packaging, a bold move, while steadfastly eschewing any invitation to the tobacco industry to partake in its multisectoral deliberations.
  3. In Oman, where does tobacco’s shadow loom largest?The specter of tobacco casts its most profound shadow amongst the youth, particularly those navigating the turbulent waters of ages 13 to 15, a revelation that beckons urgent contemplation and action.
  4. Why does the specter of tobacco consumption invoke concern within Oman’s borders?Tobacco’s embrace, with its myriad health ramifications and the looming specter of industry influence, stirs deep-seated concern, heralding a clarion call to action for Oman’s guardians of public health.
  5. What measures are being woven into the fabric of Oman’s strategy to quell the tobacco epidemic?Oman’s strategy, a tapestry of collaboration, sees the government joining forces with a diverse array of ministries, organizations, and dedicated individuals, all united in their quest to stem the tide of the tobacco epidemic.


A Curated Selection of Literature

“Bitter Leaves” by Rocco Rorandelli emerges as a beacon of enlightenment, offering a panoramic view of the tobacco industry’s global tendrils, weaving through health, economic, and environmental landscapes. The narrative pays homage to the Middle East, presenting an invaluable lens through which to view Oman’s own skirmishes and strategies within the tobacco battleground.

Sources of Information:

Wellsprings of Trustworthy Insights

For those seeking to navigate the complexities of Oman’s tobacco narrative, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion of Oman, the Global Tobacco Index, and the World Health Organization stand as pillars of reliable information, each offering a unique perspective on the challenges and strides made in the realm of tobacco control.


Repositories of Authority

  1. Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion Oman
  2. Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020, WHO Report
  3. Ministry of Health, Oman